Accessibility At St Mary’s
We want to make St Mary’s as accessible as possible to everyone. Please contact us if you want to check any specific requirement in advance. At all church services and events members of the Church are on hand to help you get the most out of your time at St Mary’s. If you need any help while you are with us please do ask.
There is a drop off point immediately outside the main entrance to the church. We have some limited parking space on the drive. but there is no designated blue badge parking at the church; if you need to be sure you can park and are a blue badge holder, please phone the office and ask if a space can be reserved. The road outside has single yellow lines Monday to Saturday.
The main space for services and events is on the ground floor, and there is step free access to all areas including a ramp to the main entrance. There are spaces for wheel chair users inside the main church.
There is a fully equipped accessible toilet, with wheelchair access, on this level.
There is a smaller meeting room and kitchen on the first floor, and there is a platform lift to this area. Please ask if you need help to operate this lift. There are male and female toilets on the upper level but they are not wheelchair accessible.
There is a hearing induction loop that operates in both the main space downstairs and in the smaller Gwinnell Room on the first floor. It also operates in the crèche.
Visual Aids
At most of our church services and events, large print copies of service sheets, programmes etc are available. Please ask if you need any help in finding a seat or making your way round the building.